
使用 AWS 筆記 (一) 選擇Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2還沒用之前感覺非常困難,一直沒有機會使用(逃避)


GAE (python) 我使用了一年多,漲價之後就沒有太大優勢,具有環境的特殊性限制,以及環境綁定的寫作方式,我目前把他定位成一個運算工具,而不是一個適合放完整大型網站的地方,但是用來做crawler, simple task worker, cron jobs等工作仍然是我的首選,開發時間短,而且免費quota足夠做非常多事情。

Heroku 簡單容易上手,而且支援算是完整,預設git版本控制簡直美妙,add-ons生態系經營的相當好,目前缺點就是貴以及不夠快(亞洲),網站每慢0.1秒就會損失1%的使用者,還有看log的速度我無法接受,花錢也無法解決的問題是個難題,但是如果要做mvp,或是專案時間緊迫要上線,Heroku是首選。

Linode 有考慮過但還是不能滿足這次的需求,我們的目標是百萬使用者,也達到過這樣的目標(not slashdotted),所以scalability是一個實際會發生的問題,加上我們規劃將來後端分散式處理資料的可擴充性,VPS在這方面是比較不足的,或許AWS一年優惠用完,又生不出使用者的時候我們可以考慮躲進來。

AWS 我逼不得已來到了 IAAS 這一層(我學網頁當初只是想寫前端javascript阿,什麼時候下到這層了! ),Amazon EC2目前無人能出其右,先花一個小時翻過一遍神人Hank Lin的AWS雲端企業實戰聖經,內容很多很詳細很值得購買,只是寫的時間比較早,如果有2012版我會更推薦,之後又大概看了Python and AWS Cookbook,裡面主要是講用boto (python)這個工具來建立和控制Amazon的許多Cloud Service,這和使用powershell來控制Vmware Virtual Machine有異曲同工之妙,先放著以後會用到。


List of AWS products

  • Amazon AWS Authentication, an implicit service, the authentication infrastructure used to authenticate access to the various services.
  • Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN) for distributing objects to so-called "edge locations" near the requester.
  • Amazon CloudWatch, provides monitoring for AWS cloud resources and applications, starting with EC2.
  • Amazon DevPay, currently in limited beta version, is a billing and account management system for applications that developers have built atop Amazon Web Services.
  • Amazon Elastic Beanstalk provides quick deployment and management of applications in the cloud.
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides persistent block-level storage volumes for EC2.
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides scalable virtual private servers using Xen.
  • Amazon Elastic MapReduce allows businesses, researchers, data analysts, and developers to easily and cheaply process vast amounts of data. It uses a hosted Hadoop framework running on the web-scale infrastructure of EC2 and Amazon S3.
  • Amazon ElastiCache provides in-memory caching for web applications.
  • Amazon Flexible Payments Service (FPS) provides an interface for micropayments.
  • Amazon Fulfillment Web Service provides a programmatic web service for sellers to ship items to and from Amazon using Fulfillment by Amazon.
  • Amazon Historical Pricing provides access to Amazon's historical sales data from its affiliates. (It appears that this service has been discontinued.)
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk) manages small units of work distributed among many humans.
  • Amazon Product Advertising API formerly known as Amazon Associates Web Service (A2S) and Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS), provides access to Amazon's product data and electronic commerce functionality.
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) provides a scalable database server with MySQL and Oracle support.
  • Amazon Route 53 provides a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
  • Amazon CloudSearch, currently in limited beta version, provides basic full text search and indexing of textual content.
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) provides bulk and transactional email sending.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) provides Web Service based storage.
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) provides a hosted message queue for web applications.
  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) provides a hosted multiprotocol "push" messaging for web applications.
  • Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF) is a workflow service for building scalable, resilient applications.
  • Amazon SimpleDB, allows developers to run queries on structured data. It operates in concert with EC2 and S3 to provide "the core functionality of a database."
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) creates a logically isolated set of Amazon EC2 instances which can be connected to an existing network using a VPN connection.
  • AWS CloudFormation, create a collection of related AWS resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.
  • AWS Import/Export, accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport.
  • AWS Management Console (AWS Console), A web-based point and click interface to manage and monitor the Amazon infrastructure suite including EC2EBSAmazon Elastic MapReduce, and Amazon CloudFront.
  • AWS Storage Gateway, an iSCSI block storage appliance with cloud-based backup.

下一篇 使用 AWS 筆記 (二) 建立EC2 instance

